recipes for prana

Welcome to the recipes for prana page. Here you’ll find simple, super-tasty, wholesome vegan yogi recipes for home cooking. Find out more about the yogic diet here

Blackberry Muffins

This is a great recipe to make the most of fruit in season. In August I had some lovely nectarines, could also be lightly stewed apples in autumn and the …

Lemon shortbread

Baking is a key part of getting ready for a retreat here at Viveka Gardens, and Anna did an amazing job of the double combo of firm favourite chocolate cake …

Scrambled tofu

Scrambled tofu is an easy win if you want a protein hit. And tasty. You can serve it old-fashioned style with baked beans for a tin, or really nice is …

Spiced apple cakes

Spiced apple cakes  – well we varied it this time with pears and dates instead of apples and sultanas – care of the Vegan Society. We LOVE these little buns …

Poached pears with cardamom

This one is hardly rocket science, but makes a virtue of rock-hard pears that at any moment – jeopardy rising – the blackbird/blue tits are going to peck at the …

lemon polenta cake

This vegan and gluten free lemon polenta cake is really wonderful with summer berries and a soya or cashew cream. I also served it out of berry season with blackcurrant …


My daughter brought vegan parmesan from the big city (though easy enough to get online) and so a great chance to cook a dish from the old days. The ‘parmesan’ …

butternut soup with bayleaf barley

Some say buddernud, some say booternoot (voila), yet others say bu??ernu? (where ? is a glottal stop)…whatever, this soup melts in the mouth. And with the addition of barley has …

oaty fruit crumble

This is low-hanging fruit: an easy vegan conversion from a traditional British dessert. Use gluten-free oats in a scattered topping and flour not required. No need to miss out on sweetness …

chana dhal

This is a go to basic dhal made with split yellow peas, readily available and inexpensive – yet soooo delicious! If you leave it til the next day you’ll see …


Mangiamo! Let’s eat! Eating together round the big table is at the heart of the retreat community here at Viveka Gardens Yoga Farm. Dhal, rice and subji – and maybe …

passion cake

Sometimes it’s nice to do a bit of old fashioned baking. The sweet, warm aromas, the cutting of the cake around a table with friends: it’s full of heart. The …