
Author Archive for: ‘Fiona Law’
banana, date and walnut loaf

I’ve got a crush on dates at the moment. It’s not just the sweetness – a little goes a long way sweetness-wise – but the taste, rich and light at …


Kitcheri is Indian fast food – old school. It’s a one pot dish with full nutrition: veg, rice and dhal. Simple and tasty comfort food, it’s a dish that all …

king crimson: green manure

This is crimson clover and it’s not just a pretty face. It’s the power engine behind green and luscious crops. Its roots have formed an association with bacteria in the …

tuscan bean soup

Today we were transplanting over 1000 kale seedlings at Tolhurst Farm. We ripped off the top leaves so the plants won’t transpire too much*. The baby leaves were way too …

star anise tofu stirfry

I couldn’t decide which would be the star of this dish, the star anise tofu or the leaves…still not sure as the chard and mustard greens I picked today on …

Bandstand Beds: growing in public

In 2011 I was on a compost crusade: fresh, peat-free dirt for the masses! One of the major problems facing food growers in the city is good, affordable growing medium. London, …

Lambeth Poly

I’ve been involved with Lambeth Council, housing and residents on a pilot project for polytunnel growing. It’s been an interesting design, as it involves working with a range of stakeholders, …