Yoga and Digestive Health Workshop

Yoga and Digestive Health Workshop

In this fundraiser workshop we will have a gentle session of yoga bending and restful space to allow our tummies to gurgle. We’ll relax and consider how stress stops gut function, and how yoga supports stress release. We’ll also consider how yoga long-term may release long-held fearful events stored in the gut. And, with a little bit of a biology, we’ll be with our anatomy from lips to…er…you know where. Muladhara chakra is what we call it in yoga!

And a yummy gut health meal of dhal, rice and ‘curds’ with at least thirty plant species, which is the vogue (in a good way) now. The meal will include bitters in plants from the land here, great for aiding digestion.

We’ll be raising money to toilet-twin the three bathrooms here (hoping to raise £180 plus extra donation). Toilet Twinning is a charity that twins your toilet and helps fund a project in a community that supports families to build their own basic toilet, access clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that saves lives.

Please note: this workshop is for people who have no digestion issues, and those who have some. I’m not a medical person so I can’t respond to individual conditions.

I was feeling very disconnected from myself. Today I feel so much more grounded and reconnected with the universe. I love that we all felt like a little family and the energy built up was truly empowering. Cannot say thank you enough. D, Okehampton

A wonderful practice, and very well-timed for me. It’s had a significantly profound effect on me at a point in my life where I’m leaving my career and moving forward into new things. A, Tavistock

Just what I needed to rebirth, go inward and rest. The body and mind just wanted to feel contentment, without attaching anything to outcome. I got just this. P, Bideford

Yesterday was a truly wonderful experience. I feel an amazing sense of clarity today. I also slept for 13 hours solidly… Thank you so much. L, Axminster

Sunday July 7th

2.30 – 6.00
suggested donation £30 – £50

(£50 is the usual cost)

includes welcoming tea and gut-tastic dhal, rice, ‘curds’ and salad

Viveka Gardens is keen to make yoga available to all – bursaries for those on benefit/low income Please contact to discuss


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Day Retreats and Half Day Workshops in Rhythm with Nature: Summer Collection