
Category Archive for: ‘Uncategorized’
bean salad

I’m trying to eat more protein and fewer carbs, and doing more fitness to keep muscle up. I eat pulses anyway, but this bean salad feels extra proteinaceous. This salad is an old favourite – I love the way the beans are like colourful pebbles – and to serve it with quinoa (17% protein, a …

The Yin Approach The key aspect of Yin is that poses are supported and held for three to five minutes. Under gravity, in stillness with no forcing, a deeeep stretch happens. The Yin approach involves a certain ‘sitting with’ as new layers of tightness – mental, physical and emotional – reveal themselves and resolve (or …

The Benefits of Balancing

A well balanced yoga class includes warm up, inversions, forward bends, backward bends, twists, sideways bends and balances. Strength Standing and arm balances develop strong muscles in your legs, feet, arms and shoulders, as well as your core. Holding your body against the force of gravity needs muscle contraction. Developed muscles around vulnerable ankles, knees, …

The Change

I was confused during the menopause. Confuse comes from the verb to melt: yes I melted with hot flushes. Sweaty nights, deep tiredness, mental confusion. As a caterpillar transforms in the chrysalis, structures melting and being reassigned, I knew there was a transformation going on, painful and uncertain as it was. I know it’s a cliche, …

  When Hilary Clinton described alternate nostril breathing in her post-election biography, this classic technique of yoga hit the headlines. In fact, there is a range of yoga breathing exercises – pranayama – that greatly benefit health and wellbeing. The chief benefit is to calm the mind and so counteract stress. Notice your breath at …