This one is hardly rocket science, but makes a virtue of rock-hard pears that at any moment – jeopardy rising – the blackbird/blue tits are going to peck at the …
Draeyk and his husband Bruce are good friends and it’s through house-sitting for them on Dartmoor that I happened to know Devon was The Place for VG. Draeyk’s a vegan …
Somatic breathwork has become fashionable, and latterday gurus are bringing breath-mind practices people who want to challenge their limits. Yoga breathing exercises – pranayama – are tried and tested over …
Shanti means ‘peace’. A special place for a retreat on your own. contact Fiona to book
The Santosha is an airy, light space with ensuite bathroom, and can host 4-5 people. contact Fiona to book
The Bliss Barn is a lovely airy space to relax, simple, and calm. There are three spaces: Ash by the French windows that give onto the kitchen garden: two singles …
This vegan and gluten free lemon polenta cake is really wonderful with summer berries and a soya or cashew cream. I also served it out of berry season with blackcurrant …
My daughter brought vegan parmesan from the big city (though easy enough to get online) and so a great chance to cook a dish from the old days. The ‘parmesan’ …