
Author Archive for: ‘Fiona Law’

Mangiamo! Let’s eat! Eating together round the big table is at the heart of the retreat community here at Viveka Gardens Yoga Farm. Dhal, rice and subji – and maybe …

passion cake

Sometimes it’s nice to do a bit of old fashioned baking. The sweet, warm aromas, the cutting of the cake around a table with friends: it’s full of heart. The …

the mysterious psoas

Inhale on 1, on 2 on 3. Exhale on 1, on 2 on 3. Leg raises can seem a little boring and I sometimes feel a pang coming to that …

shepherdess pie

This hearty, proteinaceous and wholesome dish has good measures of secret ingredients. Sweet, salty and tangy sundried tomatoes and oregano  bring Mediterranean warmth and digestibility to earthy green lentils and …

pakora and peamint dipping

Fried, salty food is not so good every day, but for a celebration it’s perfect. Gram (chick pea flour – protein!) is used to make a batter to coat vegetables …

mung dhal chancing style

Sizzle! In this recipe the spices are fried in oil at a high heat and added in a dash at the end of cooking the dhal. This is a template …